Tag Archives: Books

Nature Erupts (and a few updates)

I’m a bit behind on everything, as life has thrown me a long series of curveballs. More on that at the end of this post. For now, I want to bring to you Nature Erupts!

This anthology released on June 22nd, and I had the honor to be a part of it along with a host of other amazing authors. This is part of the World’s Revolution trilogy, like Gaia Awakens before it.

Be sure to check it out at your favorite store with this universal link! (Also, remember to show love to your local indie stores!)

Updates and things;

For those that are interested in updates, here are a few. It didn’t make much sense to create a whole new post for this as it is going to be short. I have ended up much busier than I expected this year, with several big projects in the works. In addition, some personal issues have popped up, and while I won’t go into the details here, know that these take first priority over everything else right now. Which is a long and winding way of saying I still have no definite idea on what the future of this blogs looks like.

I can say for sure that this is going to be a quieter year for writing than even I expected. Life can be wild like that sometimes. On top of that, I think I have decided, after much hemming and hawing, that I am going to go forward with turning my animism manuscript into a book. It just doesn’t make sense to put all the effort into it and then 1) leave it sit or 2) go through even more effort to make it blog friendly. More importantly, I think I can actually see a route forward on it, a way past all the blocks and obstacles I encountered.

As always,

Thanks for reading!

Update 3/22/2020

Hello again everyone!

It has been several months, so I figured I’d check in with you all. It’s good to see my stats have been consistent during my hiatus, and it warms my heart to know you all are still finding value in my work while I spent time away. Thank you!

Crazy times we live in right? As a science fiction writer, (have you checked out my books?), I spend a great deal of time speculating about the future, and what it holds for us. I didn’t expect to spend the first part of 2020 semi-quarantined because of a global pandemic. Didn’t see that one coming… Also considering that the government response has left a lot to be desired, well things a hard for a lot of folks right now. Take care of each other all right? Practice that mutual aid thing, and take care of your most vulnerable. Wash your damn hands, and stay away from people, alright?

But I don’t want to spend to much time on that, it’s a bit of a downer. This past winter has been really hard on me mentally, and frankly I haven’t got a lot of writing done. A change in my day-job schedule was a big part of that too. I sure as hell didn’t get another novel done. I kind of just stepped away and took the winter off. Spent a lot of time resting, and thinking about the coming year. I’ve got a lot on the agenda, that’s for sure!

First, I wanted to announce a new Facebook page I am working on. I struggled with this a lot, on whether or not I wanted to “out” myself as the author of the page, or retain a sense of distance and anonymity. Since this is my biggest platform, and I’ve been doing a lot of posting at the new page (shorting writing is easier for me right now), I want to tell you all about it!

Check out my Facebook page, Solarpunk Animism! It’s an extension of my work here, and I talk about a lot of similar things. The intersections of science, science fiction, and spirituality, and all those exciting things! It’s a great place to ask me questions, and spend a few minutes when you want to read something quick. It’s a small page right now, but feel free to check it out! I’m adding it to my sidebar as well on this blog. I also share a lot of articles and ideas there, so it’s worth your time.

In addition to that, I have a lot of projects coming up this year, written and otherwise. So I want to spend some time talking about that too. I am going to be spending a lot of time “in the field” this year. Or perhaps more accurately in the forest, and the gardens. My wife and I have got a lot of permaculture-ish stuff planned for our yard and gardens, and I am looking forward to that. I’m also looking forward to exploring that work in a more intentional and animistic way; as I see a close connection between gardening, ecology, permaculture, and animism. In addition, I have inherited my family forest now, and I’m looking forward to spending more time out there and seeing what comes out of it.

At the current time, I’m thinking of it all as an extension of the animistic intensive I finished up last year (I have a fancy certificate and everything :D). I want to take all I learned over the past two and half years of that work, and really sit with it and see what comes out. I have a feeling that is going to take place in the garden and forests, and deepening my relationship with the land, lakes, and waters I call home. I’m not sure what will come out of it yet, but I’m excited about it.

We have a lot of house projects too, so I’m going to be doing that. In addition, I am considering doing some writing on practical skills. I know a little about a lot of things as I’m insatiably curious about the world. I want to write about that stuff, blacksmithing, woodwork, clay and ceramics, gardening, forestry and other stuff as well.

I also may work on some short stories, as I said, I’ve been having trouble with longer work. Those will probably be an extension of my novel Liminal Worlds, a kind of solarpunk animism in it’s own right. Maybe some more detailed work on folklore and my personal spirituality as well.

Yet, with both the practical skills and the story writing, I haven’t quite figured out what that looks like. After spending a lot of time thinking about setting up a Patreon to help support myself, I have come to the conclusion I probably can’t maintain that kind of commitment. It’s a lot of upkeep, and I don’t really have that network (I’m bad at marketing myself) to make that sustainable. But at the same time, I want to make something out of it. So many the practical articles and the more in-depth work might be on a pay structure. For example, you send me $5 on paypal, and I send you a pdf. That way I can maintain a list here of the available articles.

That’s all up in the air right now, and I’m not entirely sure what the final form will look like. So I’ll keep thinking about that, and keep you all informed. Alright?

Other than that, there is plans for more work for this blog as well. In light of the pandemic, my employer has offered a little more flexible work schedules, so I am hoping I can get back to regular writing. There is a lot I want to talk about, for sure! It’s just finding the time, and being able to write when inspiration hits me. (The bane of my existence.)

You all take care out there alright? As always, thanks for reading!


Indiegogo Update. 7 Days to Go!

Hello folks!

This is the last update for my current Indiegogo. We are down to just 7 days to go, and we are just over 50% of our goal. If you’ve been holding back, waiting for the right time, now is the right time!

It’d really be great if we could get closer to that goal here in the last week, so please chip in if you can!


Once the campaign is done, we will return to your regularly scheduled posting!

Updates 3/30/17

Hello there folks!

So, I haven’t had the time to post a proper blog here recently, as I powered through my most recent manuscript. It has finally come to an end at 81,000 words! Woohoo! I feel really accomplished!

It was a really fun story to write. It gave me the opportunity to play with a fair number of spiritual concepts in a nice and safe fictional setting. I also got to do a fair bit of world building for the late 21st century, so that was a lot of fun too. The whole book was designed around a cyberpunk/cybershaman world. Playing with spiritual concepts in a high-tech world, that is also fun.

Sounds a lot like life? Right.

So that manuscript is out of the way, so I hope I can find some time to get back on a regular posting schedule here. I missed you folks, and I certainly have some ideas I want to explore.

On the topic of blog posts, I have got my first one up over at Paganbloggers.com! You can check that out here. The first one is only an introduction piece, so it might be old news to some of you here. All the same, keep an eye on that. I will be doing original content over there, and will likely be diving deeper than I have here on some of my regular topics.

Also, I am working away on finishing up the fifth and last book for the Elder Blood Saga. It even has a title; Of Origins and Endings.  Have you seen the concept art yet?

That is just a taste! I am really excited about this series coming to an end. Not that I want to see it end, but I am excited that I am finishing up my first full series. Nearly half a million words all told.

I have also started a shamanic intensive. I am only a couple of lessons in, and my mind is already running. I am hoping I may be able to write about some of that here.

Thanks for reading!

Kindle Discounts!

Hello there folks,

I am working away at getting some more content up here that doesn’t involve marketing. Research takes time and effort, it is a labor of love. It really is. I have new pieces come for both my “Walking with the Ancestors” and “Walking with the Spirits” series. Those are forthcoming, but I have not had the time to work on them lately. A lot of project. More is coming, I promise.

But in the mean time, have you looked at my books on Kindle lately? Every single one of them is now only $2.99!

That’s right, EVERY SINGLE ONE!


Book 1

Book 2

Book 3

Book 4

Also, there are print versions available for each books as well. That information can be found on the links above, and also on my Publications page.

As always, thanks for reading! I hope to have new stuff for you all soon!


Holiday Sale!

Hello folks,

Just in time for the holidays, we are running a sale over at the shop!

Have you checked out The White Wolf yet?


On Facebook? Or on Etsy?

We have been working on commissions lately; and some of them have been real shiny!




And also, we have books!


These are available on Amazon for Kindle and in print. Check out Publications on the top of this page!

Or, maybe you want a signed copy? The first three books are available in my Etsy shop, and at a discount!

Try the coupon code Holidaydiscounts!


And as always, thanks for reading and happy holidays.

Of Mountains and Madness, Now Available!

Hello folks!


I am pleased to announce my fourth book is now available! I present to you; Of Mountains and Madness!


I am really excited to keep moving forward on this series! There is one more book, which has to pass back through editing. But remember, this is only one of four so far!


They are all available on Amazon;

The newest book can be found here! $11.99 for paperback, or $4.99 for Kindle.

(Note; as of posting this the print and Kindle version are still separate.)

Or maybe you want a signed copy? Get a hold of me on Facebook!


On the far side of the galaxy, breadcrumbs wait to be followed.

After extensive genetic and cybernetic modification, Niel has discovered that the data in his head is really a whole other person. Whether it is an AI, or a possessing spirit has not yet been determined. She will lead him well away from the lights of human civilization, into the uncharted regions of the galaxy. The galaxy is a big place, and most of it is wild and untamed.

Not only will Niel and his companions survive the vast unknown darkness, they will soon discover they are far from alone in this adventure.